Conceived, written and directed by Mark Murphy
Executive Producer: David Micklem

Artwork, models & film created by Mark Murphy

A show intended for all the family, ONE GIANT LEAP was planned to be a large-scale, outdoor narrative spectacular to mark the 50th anniversary of the manned Apollo 11 moon landing in 2019. In doing so, we would celebrate our undiminished wonder at mankind’s exploration of space – then, now and for the future. Designed to be seen by live by tens of thousands of audience members and broadcast simultaneously to millions worldwide, it could have been the outdoor theatrical event for 2019.

However… despite two years’ work on its creative development, we’ve were unable to pull together the investment portfolio to deliver the show. Whilst there has been overwhelming support for the project, from potential partners, funders, creatives and others – which we will be eternally grateful for, we’ve been unable to gather together the necessary financial resources to deliver the show we want to make.


British Theatre Guide